Discover Purpose

Remove the guesswork, confusion and pressure from figuring out your future. Find your unique talents and gain hyper-focused clarity about the best path for your future!

Discover Your Talents is a self-paced, self-awareness and career exploration workshop. Each participant will recieve a workbook, results of their talent assessment, and their talent and career e-dashboard.

Get Started!

Enter Participant's Full Name

Enter Participant's Email Address

Enter Participant's Date of Birth (must be 15+ to participate)

How does it work?

Your unique talents are the key to finding the right path for your future.

Know Your Talents

Knowing who you are and how you're uniquely wired truly is the key to finding lasting joy as you build your future. At Purpose Pursuit we start with a brain games assessment so we can learn how your brain solves problems and what careers and education paths are a best fit for your future.

Create Your Path

Whether you hope to use your talents to pursue college, trade school, entrepreneurship, or head straight into a career path - we've created simplified pathways to help you actually get where you want to go.

About us

At Well Spent, we offer hyper-personalized, talent based programs rooted in truth, led by industry experts to equip you on your path to a future you're actually passionate about.

Well Spent Solutions is owned by Beth Muir and Roni Townsend. Together, their combined experience in higher education and mental health bring a unique approach to helping today's teens navigate their future.

Frequently asked questions

Things people most often ask about

How long does the assessment take?

The assessment can take 90-180 minutes. Make sure you're in location you can focus. Your assessment must be completed prior to the event.

How can I see my results?

You will review your results in your Talent Dashboard. Plan to bring laptop or tablet to review your results live at Purpoe Pursuit.

When should I take the assessment?

You can begin taking the assessment as soon as you recieve your email from YouScience. Please plan to take your assesment prior to Purpose Pursuit.

What if I mess up?

Zero pressure here. It's just brain games - you can't mess it up! If you experience an issue with one of the brain games, you can use the YouScience chat to ask them to resest your session.

How can brain games help me figure out my future?

As you solve the puzzles in the games, the software is picking up on tendancies you have, how quickly you solve certain problems, and what your brain excels at to map out your talents.

Can I take the assessment on a tablet?

While your results an be reviewed on a tablet or phone, the assessment must be completed on a computer or laptop.

Discvoer Your Talents is a program of Well Spent Solutions.

  • Kansas City, MO